

Experience You Can Count On

Our experience includes setting up start up companies, overhaul of poor performing companies and taking good companies on their next step into new markets or ventures. In addition, we have also handled many acquisitions, restructures as well as sell offs. All of these functions require a disciplined approach and therefore we provide services that can make hard decisions easy.

We believe in providing comprehensive, but intimate, consultative approach to help identify gaps and opportunities. We will also conduct a business assessment that will provide you with a detailed project plan including strict timelines, milestones and a cost analysis.

During these challenging times it is recommended to re-assess your business and make the necessary changes to help make your business resilient in the future. This includes developing Company Policies and Procedures.

We have seen it many times that as a independent consultants we pick up things that have been missed in the day to operations. We strongly believe that in business its all about making a profit with smart business decisions. We look forward to working with you.